The following text-only files can be retrieved for rwth.*: checkgroups

Information on the rwth.* hierarchy (last updated 2010-02-15):

Hierarchy Management Information
Hierarchy Management info iconunmanaged
Syncable server info icon(none)
URL of Checkgroups(none)
Last Checkgroups(unknown)
Key User ID(none)
Key URL(none)
Key Fingerprint(none)
List of Newsgroups
Newsgroups	RWTH International Academy (Weiterbildungsakademie).
rwth.agenda21	no description available
rwth.architektur.caad	no description available
rwth.dialup	Support fuer die Nutzer der Einwahlzugaenge
rwth.elektrotechnik.ai2 no description available
rwth.fachschaft.bauing	no description available
rwth.fachschaft.bergbau Studium an der Fakultaet fuer Bergbau, Huettenwesen und Geowissenschaften
rwth.fachschaft.biologie	no description available
rwth.fachschaft.elektrotechnik	no description available
rwth.fachschaft.fsmpi	no description available
rwth.fachschaft.geologie	no description available
rwth.fachschaft.maschinenbau	Studium an der Fakultaet Maschinenwesen
rwth.fachschaft.medizin no description available
rwth.general	Allgemeine Informationen und Anfragen, die RWTH betreffend
rwth.gruppen.chinesen	no description available	Institut fuer Allgemeine Mechanik
rwth.ima.vorlesung	no description available
rwth.informatik.atfs	no description available
rwth.informatik.dsal	no description available
rwth.informatik.grundstudium	no description available
rwth.informatik.hauptstudium	no description available
rwth.informatik.info1	Informatikgrundvorlesung im ersten Semester
rwth.informatik.progra4all	no description available
rwth.informatik.syspro	Vorlesung Systemprogrammierung.	Jobs in der RWTH (s.a.
rwth.mathematik.grundstudium	no description available
rwth.mathematik.hauptstudium	no description available
rwth.mfg	Suche nach und Angebot von Mitfahrgelegenheiten
rwth.tele-tutor no description available
rwth.test	no description available
rwth.vortraege	no description available
rwth.wahlen	no description available
rwth.wohnheime	no description available
Source of the
Reliability info iconunreliable
Notes and Comments
Notes info iconrwth.* was founded in 1987-1989.

This hierarchy is actively managed and has substantial traffic (last checked on 2010-01-10).

rwth.* on

For updates and corrections please contact me!